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Ver la versión completa : Hostion por romperse el guardabarros delantero de una BMW F800 GS...

06/06/2013, 20:36

Momento "Prime-Time" - 00:40 :esperasndo::esperasndo:

06/06/2013, 22:00
daño se ha hecho y mucho. putadon eso que le ha pasado, supongo que tendra que ver con el latiguillo del freno o alguna piedra que quedo prisionada entre el guardabarros-latiguillo-rueda, digo yo

06/06/2013, 22:18
Menudo arrastrón.

Más bién parece que parte del guardabarros bloquea la rueda delantera o la revienta y de ahí la leche.

Pero por mucho cuidado que tengas parece una cosa imprevisible, no vas a ir a 20 toda la vida para evitar una caida fuerte...

Trompetas del Infierno
06/06/2013, 22:28
Iba rapidillo, la leche ha sido buena.
Me cuesta creer que eso lo haya hecho el propio guardabarros. Me inclino por lo del latiguillo. ¿No hay continuación para ver la moto bien? ¿Le pasó algo al piloto?

Trompetas del Infierno
06/06/2013, 22:42
Lo encontré,

""I was in Death Valley, just riding down the road, enjoying the scenery, and watching fighter jets buzzing around when I heard a CLUNK!

Next thing I know I see my fender shoot out in front of me, then I hit the ground hard @ 50 mph and while sliding down the road, bouncing off of rocks I watched my GS's white parts explode and tumble down the road with me.

We finally stopped sliding, the bike laying there running with the rear wheel spinning as a massive cloud of dust caught up and blanketed me for a moment. I crawled over to the bike and leaned my back on it, in shock, not believing that I was very seriously hurt.

There was a dull, yet growing pain everywhere, but nowhere specific, like my brain was telling my body something must be broken after seeing what I saw. I checked all around and didn't feel any bones sticking out and finally leaned over and turned off the bike for the last time.

It was eerily quiet, all I could hear was my heart pounding.

This was to be my lucky day, really.

First off, I had just invested in a THOR Impact Rig SE ( protective suit, which sustained damage and undoubtably saved me from further serious injuries. If I would have been riding with my normal street gear on things would be much different.

My Arai XD3, Rukka gloves, Sidi boots, and BMW city pants all had fulfilled their purpose, protecting me from more serious injury, and show the damage they took in my place.

I do have some road rash where there's a gap between the Thor and the pants, and where the armor was impacted on my forearm, over my tattoo (should make a nice scar) , and I've possibly broken my wrist, but I consider myself very lucky to be able to walk or just be alive.

I remembered everything and was glad I hadn't blacked out.

Unlike most of my solo Adventures, I was with two good friends out riding this time, and was in the middle of the pack of 3, so a few minutes later Kevin came along, and being a calm, cool, and trained guy, he did some basic feeling around, and asked me some questions to confirm I'm not more seriously injured.

He then went ahead to get our other friend, and came back 10 minutes later.

It was obvious the bike wasn't going to be ridden out, even if I could ride, which, honestly I could not, with more pain starting to ensue.

They came back 10 minutes later and we were talking about the plan to get me and my bike out of here, we were about 25 miles from pavement, or cell service.

I did not have my SPOT with me.

The road we were on was a seldom traveled one, but low and behold a pickup truck was coming our way heading towards town and more importantly, empty.

Standing in the road, bleeding, bike on it's side, I waived him down, asked if he would be so kind as to take me and my bike to town.

Allen, being a good church going man of faith said no problem.

Turns out Allen was supposed to be camping for 3 more days out here, and wouldn't be driving on this road, except that the night before, a Burro (wild donkey) had stolen his backpack with all of his stuff in it while he was sleeping! He found some of his belongings and a book half chewed up, and tracks but never found his stuff.

So thanks to the thieving Burro, Allen was here to save me, and it get better.

He lives in LA, and could drive me most of the way home, where Nancy, my girlfriend would meet up with us with a rental pickup.

So basically 20 minutes after crashing in the middle of nowhere, 300 miles from home I was in a truck with my bike in back, pain meds kicking in, on my way home, after surviving quite a violent crash.

These are the kind of experiences that can give a person a lot to think about spiritually.

On to the cause of the crash... Here's the best thing, I just bought a Drift 170 HD Stealth helmet cam, and happen to be rolling in 60 frames a second high speed HD video at the time of the crash!

I do a fair amount of riding, some of the time I push the limits, some of the time I test myself, go too fast, or go places I shouldn't.

This is not one of those moments.

As you can clearly see in this video, I was on a nice gravel road just riding along when my front fender broke off for no apparent reason, and immediately after the fender broke the brake crossover cable caught the knobbies and stopped the front wheel.... sliding next to my bike watching it explode is a scary place to be.""

En resumen: el tipo iba con otros dos, uno delante y otro detrás. Se rompió la muñeca. Algo raro, pasaba por allí a los 20 minutos un tipo con una pickup que buscaba un burro salvaje que le había robado una mochila la noche anterior... Se prestó a llevarle la moto y a él a la civilización, que no estaba muy lejos, pero 25 millas con una muñeca rota y la moto medio estropeá, ya me contarán.
Causa del arrastronazo: al romperse el guardabarros, el "crossover" de los latiguillos, o sea, el tramo que va de una pinza a la otra haciendo un arco encima de la rueda, se enganchó con los tacos y frenó la rueda en seco.

Ahora yo pregunto, y me cuestiono: en todas mis motos a las que cambié los latiguillos por unos metálicos, siempre se los puse (como casi todos lo que lo hacen) saliendo dos líneas directamente desde la bomba, una a cada pinza. ¿Por qué las motos de serie llevan una línea a una pinza, y luego de esa pinza a la otra por encima del guardabarros?

06/06/2013, 23:10
Este vídeo es uno de los motivos por los que quité el latiguillo que hace de puente en la Super Ténéré y le puse dos líneas separadas.
Si se quiere hacer off road con una moto este sistema es un peligro.

06/06/2013, 23:16
pues imagino que porque no han visto este video!! duele de verlo...

Quizá sea por lo de siempre, porque sale más barato hacerlo de esa manera.

06/06/2013, 23:36
La primera vez que se me cayó la moto fue porque le puse el guardabarros de enduro y se me enganchó el puente del latiguillo de frenos en la rueda y esta se frenó en seco, iba muy despacio pero el susto fue grande, afortunadamente la moto cuenta con barras protectoras.
Creo que una moto de campo NO DEBERÍA LLEVAR NUNCA NINGÚN PUENTE, señores constructores de motos, ténganlo en cuenta, nos compramos este tipo de máquinas porque nos gusta montar por todo tipo de vías, incluido las que no están asfaltadas..... Pongan dos latiguillos paralelos a las barras de horquilla, no es tan caro ni tan difícil.

07/06/2013, 10:44
Dices "Trompetas del Infierno" según la traducción, yo no lo sé, porque cuando dieron inglés tenía la gripe, que iba con otros dos compañeros, en el video no aparece ninguno, ni delante ni detrás, mal asunto porque irian demasiado separados, y si resulta que iba solo pues peor, no se debe de ir solo a ningún sitio.

La ostia ha sido de campeonato.

07/06/2013, 11:08
El texto original dice que iban distanciados los unos de los otros , por eso no da tiempo a que salgan (me imagino).
Además comenta que el que venía detrás paró a socorrerle, y una vez que se cercioró que no corría más peligro, salió en busca del otro; para ir juntos a buscar ayuda ya que estaban a 25 millas de la carretera y sin señal en el móvil.
Buena aventura...

Trompetas del Infierno
07/06/2013, 15:14
Correcto, Betitou. Se llevaban cinco minutos entre sí, más o menos.